Monday, April 18, 2011

Crying Shame

True, true... in oh so many ways...

* If you don't feel like reading this highly entertaining, well thought-out piece of literature,
just click here and do yo' thang. Pretty please with maple syrup on top? :P

Youth seem to scare the bejeebuz out of our current government. I laughed out loud when I heard about this story. To sum up: a communications director (Michael Sona) for a Conservative candidate (Marty Burke) tried to put the kibosh on student votes cast last Wednesday at an on-campus polling station.

So not only are Conservatives shaking in their penny loafers (no doubt, someone in that party wears 'em), but they are also a hugely petty bunch.

I can never shake the image of all of the politicians as children in a schoolyard. It's quite disturbing, really (in a creepy-disturbing way... not sad-disturbing... seriously, imagine Harper's head on a childs body!).

In this particular case, the Conservative party is represented by the snot-nosed brat who is on the verge of being sent to his room without dessert. Of course, a temper tantrum ensues. Trying to grab at things, whining, complaining, crying (I bet Mr Sona cried... I BET YOU), and stomping off with some type of warning.

Mr Sona followed his tantrum by contacting Elections Canada and whining. After it all got sorted, the ballots were considered legally obtained and will indeed be counted come May 2nd. No problem then, right?


Elections Canada has now put their own kibosh on special polling stations located at university campuses. They will no longer happen. The damage is done, thanks to an over zealous Conservative campaign helper.

What an utter and total pile of moose turds!

It is common sense to have special polling stations at universities/colleges. The people who reside on these campuses are NOT AT HOME to vote in their HOME riding. If they had this at my post-secondary institutions, many young people would have voted who in the end did not. I understand that it's not the hardest thing ever to vote away from your home riding, but when I was a student at a small town college with no mode of transportation, poor, tired all of the time, etc etc, voting was a chore EVEN FOR ME! That says something, people!

PLEASE! Sign this petition! This is a travesty, an utter crying shame. We need to turn it around - it can be done!

So can getting rid of Harper and his awful, snot-nosed cronies! I have hope!

"All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field."
- Albert Einstein