Thursday, October 13, 2011


I recently posted a photo onto Farcebook that spoke to me... it wasn't until I realized that it spoke to a childish, whining part of me that I removed it. 

The photo in question:

I get what it's all about. And I'm guessing that the creator of this graphic has suffered years of utter frustration. Frustration from trying to get a worthy message across that continually falls on deaf ears and blind eyes; of believing passionately that something is fundamentally wrong and having no one care; of hoping that meaningful discussion would come from the news, but not being able to sift through the endless piles of celebrity gossip and unimportant tripe...  the causes of frustration for your average justice-mongering human are endless.

But I don't think inciting negativity helps, and this image gives me bad vibes. As the tagline of the image says "The society we live in is seriously flawed" - yes, but paying tribute to the life of a rich, pseudo-celebrity is the LEAST of our flaws, wouldn't you say?

* If someone could explain to me the tweet symbol and direction to iPhone4s, that would be nice... unless the plan is, when marketing folks look at trending, this image will be attached to a bunch of juicy iPhone hits? Not a clue. 

[ Side note: what a useless waste of time Twitter is... people should be spending their limited amount of time on this earth doing important things on computers... like sporadic blogging and surfing (if you haven't seen the latter, GO! I know I was being slightly snotty with that wasting time comment, but hell, you may as well laugh during your short, earthly life).]

Anyway, my suggestion for a more effective, deeper-rooted image would be a bit more problem-probing, and wouldn't target the death of one person who was brought to fame by the very consumers who are causing the problems in this world. 

Something more liiiiiike:

Or, even BETTER!:

See what I mean about the importance level of a person dying and the public lamenting (though I say enough is enough, already) versus something as trivial as a technological inconvenience, or which rich guido will catch the clap next?

Okay, now my mind isn't as burdened by the posting of this photo. I hope you share my sentiments, or at least understand. Now I can sleep.

No quote for this one... I have created two tonight for the lovely photos above. I hope you enjoyed them. Bonne nuit.