Wednesday, July 21, 2010

For my first official post, I'm starting off fairly easy...

From the same folks who brought you "The Story of Stuff" (an excellent, step by step explanation of where our stuff comes from, how it's made, and what happens with stuff when we're done with it), "The Story of Cosmetics" takes a look at our ineffectual safety guidelines for the products we all use *every day*. Though it's out of the US, all facts apply to us Canucks as well. Luckily, the video gives some excellent ideas for how to remedy this icky situation! So please, take five minutes and watch! (The little stick people are super cute too :D )

I also strongly recommend google-ing "The Story of Stuff" if you haven't seen it.

And just remember everyone - both the ladies AND the gentlemen - in the end, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. And if all else fails, refer to this quote:


  1. This was no rant. Give me more gumption!


  2. how about a rant on the current potential for elimination of a mandatory census? i'd like to hear your opinions.

  3. Anonymous #2, though I doubt it's "potential" as much as it is a done deal, it's not something many Canadians are for. Unfortunately, our current pseudo-government (mini-dictatorship) does not care what the people of Canada think.

    Maybe I will make a short post about this topic after all... :)

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