Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lisa Raitt: Minister of Labour Fuckery

"A work stoppage is not in the best interests of the Canadian public or Canadian businesses."  -  Minister of Labour, Lisa Raitt

*heavy sigh*   

I don't even know where to start with this nitwit. Here I go...
Can someone please explain the concept of unions and legal strike action to our federal Minister of Labour? Did no one give her briefing notes when she was appointed? Or a heads up about what unions do?

OF COURSE strikes inconvenience people! If they didn't, they wouldn't work! *Someone give the lady an award, she has figured out the magic behind strikes!*

Just to clarify, Ms. Raitt, no one WANTS to strike. It isn't fun. It means hard times and added stress to life. And I'm sure these people like their jobs. Or else why fight for them? 

Your role, as Minister of Labour, is not to step in and strip a union of the right to strike. This is wrong. So to do it continually just because you can is disrespectful and therefore disgusting. What should happen is the workers strike, show everyone (including government) how valuable and important their services are, and in this way, they get more backing for their voice at the bargaining table to get a fair deal. To completely silence that voice is a recipe for labour union catastrophe. 

Yes folks, not only did our very own Minister of Labour brashly disregarded the striking rights of an Air Canada union in October of 2011, she is stepping in AGAIN. This time, blocking 8 600 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers at Air Canada from walking off the job. Her actions are beyond reproachable. This is NOT the role of government. They should have NO role. This is between the employees and the employer. 

Problem with these situations is that once they happen, a precedence is set. No union is safe now. But this is *exactly* what our government wants. They want workers who will simply do what they are told and be happy to simply get paid. Never mind health and safety, or fair wages, or benefits. Let's just all take a giant leap back 30 years ago! Wooo! Time warp! (I should have done something witty with that as the theme to this blog... like... "Rocky Horror Strike Show" or "Rocky Horror Raitt/Union Showdown"... and I could have painted her up like a sweet transvestite... HA! Okay, I'm done."

So please, write to the Minister of Labour, Lisa Raitt, or the Prime Minister. Seriously. Express your concerns about how our federal government treats unions. 

Thank you for making it to the end! Here is your quote of the blog:

" It is one of the characteristics of a free and democratic nation that it have free and independent labour unions." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Well THAT explains it! The Conservatives hate democracy, so why would they want unions? Ah, mystery solved. Someone give me an award, but bigger than hers. ;)

Goodnight world.

* You might not agree that air travel is simply a convenience, that at times it is necessary. But Lisa Raiit says, it's "vital" to our lives. I'm sorry, but we *can* survive without air travel. It's quick, easy, and cheap for what it actually costs (yes, I'm talking about the environmental impacts as well). The general public uses planes because they make our lives easier, not because we have to. If we didn't have them, we, the general public, would adjust accordingly. 

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