Monday, June 6, 2011

Follow up!

Long overdue, I know! But here is the letter/e-mail I drafted for the MPs who took part in the Anti-choice rally in Ottawa last month. *The particular letter I'm sharing is one I tailored specifically for MP Scott Reid, douchebag of the year!*

If you feel the same, feel completely free to use any and all of my words and ideas to send your own letters! (See previous post for addresses.)

Read on!


Mr Reid:

I am writing to you today to share my concerns regarding a rally that you attended last month.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but when one voices them so strongly in the form of attending a controversial rally, one must be prepared to explain themselves. Especially when one is an elected representative - representing all opinions within your constituency, from all walks of life, and from both ends of the opinion spectrum. You, sir, are currently representing me.

The issue of abortion is a touchy one, and for good reason. When the basis of a debate is rooted in definitions of morality (usually stemming from a religious perspective) and emotional reaction, I believe that education and understanding are a necessity from both sides of the debate for it to be a functional one.

First, I must clarify something. This debate is NOT over the morality of abortion, it is about the legality of the medical procedure. We all must be clear about this.

For instance, there are people the world over who believe that alcohol is an immoral thing (for many reasons - not just religious or moral) and should not be legal. We do not call these people "pro-health" supporters, they are prohibitionists - they desire to legally stop the manufacturing, selling, etc, of alcohol. (See what I'm saying?)

The title of a "pro-life rally" is a misnomer, plain and simple. "Pro-life" supporters are "anti-choice" supporters in the issue of the legality of a woman's right to choose. The sides are pro or anti choice. Please do not continue to spread this misleading term by attending such rallies. To say one side is "pro-life" means the other side is "pro-death". And what nonsense that is!

Secondly, no sane person is PRO abortion. There is a tremendously large faction of our society that is pro-CHOICE, but definitely not pro-abortion. In no instance is it ever a desirable procedure for anyone. No one. (Well, except a few men I have met in my life who would rather have a woman "take care of the problem" of pregnancy than become fathers. Just one example of why men should only have a small role in this very debate. Meaning, also you.)

To have informed debates based on fact and reason to determine the best route for laws in this country are encouraged and necessary. But to take part in an emotionally-charged demonstration based on personal/religious beliefs when you should be looking at how to improve the laws of this land is a waste of time (not to mention confusing to the electorate).

I hope you will also ponder the utter ridiculousness of the situation: a small group of male Members of Parliament pontificating on Parliament Hill about what I, as a woman, should and shouldn't be able to do with my own body. What unmitigated gall you had in speaking at this rally - and on my behalf! Imagine, attempting to control the reproductive rights of an entire sex?!

Until you have witnessed every instance in which an unwanted pregnancy can occur, and until you have experienced what it is like to be a woman (or a young girl, in a lot of cases) who has been impregnated unwillingly, you have no right to lecture a community, society or country on what females should and should not legally do with their own bodies. And until the causes of unwanted pregnancy (violence against women, children's rights, sexual education) are tackled, you cannot criminalize abortion.

I also highly recommend that you attend women's safety rallies/meetings, and invest in sexual education and self defence courses for young people and women in our riding. You see, if the causes of unwanted pregnancies were tackled, abortion wouldn't be an issue at all. Throw your energy in that direction, why don't you, instead of perpetuating divisions in your community.

Thank you for your time.


Thoughts? Comments?
Will you be writing these people to express your opinions? HAVE you written anyone on this topic before? SHARE PLEASE! :D

(No quote, as this is a follow up post. I know how sad you must be.)