Monday, December 5, 2011

Can YOU define "ozone" ?

Me! Me! I know, I know!!!! *hand frantically waving in the air*  - more on ozone later. 

It's no secret that our current government doesn't give a shit about the environment. Some fine examples include: recently slashing over 700 jobs in Environment Canada, trying to sabotage global climate initiatives, cancelling federal environmental assessments for 2 years to help "stimulate the economy", and the overall cause for the aforementioned situations - appointing dip-shits as Environment Ministers. Our current Minister of the Environment is certainly no exception!

* I won't even play around with this photo. It has dip-shit written all over it. Thank you Mr Kent. It's property of the Vancouver Sun, by the by.

I get that ministers aren't always necessarily appointed for their particular ministerial know-how, but this man (like the rest of them) not only has zero experience and interest in the position, he also can't even do a decent job PRETENDING that he knows what's going on. At least Jim Prentice tried! (haha, okay, tried for a Conservative...)

Here comes the ozone question, class!  Two weeks ago in the House of Commons, when asked to define "ozone", Kent refused. WHAT?!? 

(If you can give me a definition of "ozone" in the comments section, you get a prize! For real. So do it! Best answer wins.)

This man is negotiating international treaties about this stuff! He is approving possible legislation on this very topic! ARRRG!
And now, the genius that is Peter Kent (you remember him from Global, right class?) is representing us at the Durban Climate Conference. WHERE he has thus far broken an international treaty on behalf of you & I by stating that Canada is pulling out of our current Kyoto commitments, he is therefore sabotaging any hope for a better Kyoto Accord on behalf of Canada, and has further damaged Canada's overall reputation on the world stage. 

UGH! I am so irate over this person right now.

I strongly feel it's time to get rid of the title Minister of the Environment until we have a government that is willing to put qualified, serious candidates in the seat. This is effing ridiculous.

Read the links in this, and please join me in writing to the disHonourable Peter Kent to express our displeasure at his terrible, lackluster representation of our country at international forums:

        Hill Office - Minister of the Environment Peter Kent      (I refuse to address him as "Honourable")
        House of Commons
        Ottawa, Ontario
        K1A 0A6

"It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment."
                                                                     - Ansel Adams

Isn't it, though?


Thursday, October 13, 2011


I recently posted a photo onto Farcebook that spoke to me... it wasn't until I realized that it spoke to a childish, whining part of me that I removed it. 

The photo in question:

I get what it's all about. And I'm guessing that the creator of this graphic has suffered years of utter frustration. Frustration from trying to get a worthy message across that continually falls on deaf ears and blind eyes; of believing passionately that something is fundamentally wrong and having no one care; of hoping that meaningful discussion would come from the news, but not being able to sift through the endless piles of celebrity gossip and unimportant tripe...  the causes of frustration for your average justice-mongering human are endless.

But I don't think inciting negativity helps, and this image gives me bad vibes. As the tagline of the image says "The society we live in is seriously flawed" - yes, but paying tribute to the life of a rich, pseudo-celebrity is the LEAST of our flaws, wouldn't you say?

* If someone could explain to me the tweet symbol and direction to iPhone4s, that would be nice... unless the plan is, when marketing folks look at trending, this image will be attached to a bunch of juicy iPhone hits? Not a clue. 

[ Side note: what a useless waste of time Twitter is... people should be spending their limited amount of time on this earth doing important things on computers... like sporadic blogging and surfing (if you haven't seen the latter, GO! I know I was being slightly snotty with that wasting time comment, but hell, you may as well laugh during your short, earthly life).]

Anyway, my suggestion for a more effective, deeper-rooted image would be a bit more problem-probing, and wouldn't target the death of one person who was brought to fame by the very consumers who are causing the problems in this world. 

Something more liiiiiike:

Or, even BETTER!:

See what I mean about the importance level of a person dying and the public lamenting (though I say enough is enough, already) versus something as trivial as a technological inconvenience, or which rich guido will catch the clap next?

Okay, now my mind isn't as burdened by the posting of this photo. I hope you share my sentiments, or at least understand. Now I can sleep.

No quote for this one... I have created two tonight for the lovely photos above. I hope you enjoyed them. Bonne nuit.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Paint It Green, Make Some Green

In today's corporate society, no one is safe. Not even Burt and his Bees. *sigh*

When I started reading Adria Vasil's marvelous book Ecoholic many moons ago, I thought I was the shit - you know, scoffing at my friends for buying toxic products, changing all of my own personal products over to Burt's Bees, patronizing my mother for falling victim to splashy "All-Natural!" promises from chemical-laden beauty products, eating Kashi cereal like it was going out of style (it isn't even that good... pfft). I was smug back then. Who am I kidding, I still am. 
Well, maybe a little less smug since reading this:

Mother effer! I've been SCAMMED!  

Burt's Bees? I have invested so much in you! And you go and sell out? To CLOROX? Good grief! What has the world come to? 
Yes, as in the bleach company. The company who named themselves after CHLORINE and SODIUM HYDROXIDE. The same ingredients Mr Burt and his Bees have shunned for decades. Did your Bees buzz some bad moral advice in your ears while you were gardening, Burt? Giving the bad guys carte blanche to profit from well-meaning consumers is wrong.

And Kashi? Eff you! Don't trick people with your small-time company, feel-good ad ploys. You taste like cardboard and you sold out to Kellogg's. Go play with Snap, Crackle and Pop, they LOVE selling out and making crappy commercials. 

Read the article. 

I suck at blogging. But I should really stop saying that and just become more consistent. Deal!

Following tradition, I'll end this with a quote. Simple, popular, and just happens to be the underlying motto for all purchases I make. Don't you roll your eyes at me!

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
                                                                      - Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, June 6, 2011

Follow up!

Long overdue, I know! But here is the letter/e-mail I drafted for the MPs who took part in the Anti-choice rally in Ottawa last month. *The particular letter I'm sharing is one I tailored specifically for MP Scott Reid, douchebag of the year!*

If you feel the same, feel completely free to use any and all of my words and ideas to send your own letters! (See previous post for addresses.)

Read on!


Mr Reid:

I am writing to you today to share my concerns regarding a rally that you attended last month.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but when one voices them so strongly in the form of attending a controversial rally, one must be prepared to explain themselves. Especially when one is an elected representative - representing all opinions within your constituency, from all walks of life, and from both ends of the opinion spectrum. You, sir, are currently representing me.

The issue of abortion is a touchy one, and for good reason. When the basis of a debate is rooted in definitions of morality (usually stemming from a religious perspective) and emotional reaction, I believe that education and understanding are a necessity from both sides of the debate for it to be a functional one.

First, I must clarify something. This debate is NOT over the morality of abortion, it is about the legality of the medical procedure. We all must be clear about this.

For instance, there are people the world over who believe that alcohol is an immoral thing (for many reasons - not just religious or moral) and should not be legal. We do not call these people "pro-health" supporters, they are prohibitionists - they desire to legally stop the manufacturing, selling, etc, of alcohol. (See what I'm saying?)

The title of a "pro-life rally" is a misnomer, plain and simple. "Pro-life" supporters are "anti-choice" supporters in the issue of the legality of a woman's right to choose. The sides are pro or anti choice. Please do not continue to spread this misleading term by attending such rallies. To say one side is "pro-life" means the other side is "pro-death". And what nonsense that is!

Secondly, no sane person is PRO abortion. There is a tremendously large faction of our society that is pro-CHOICE, but definitely not pro-abortion. In no instance is it ever a desirable procedure for anyone. No one. (Well, except a few men I have met in my life who would rather have a woman "take care of the problem" of pregnancy than become fathers. Just one example of why men should only have a small role in this very debate. Meaning, also you.)

To have informed debates based on fact and reason to determine the best route for laws in this country are encouraged and necessary. But to take part in an emotionally-charged demonstration based on personal/religious beliefs when you should be looking at how to improve the laws of this land is a waste of time (not to mention confusing to the electorate).

I hope you will also ponder the utter ridiculousness of the situation: a small group of male Members of Parliament pontificating on Parliament Hill about what I, as a woman, should and shouldn't be able to do with my own body. What unmitigated gall you had in speaking at this rally - and on my behalf! Imagine, attempting to control the reproductive rights of an entire sex?!

Until you have witnessed every instance in which an unwanted pregnancy can occur, and until you have experienced what it is like to be a woman (or a young girl, in a lot of cases) who has been impregnated unwillingly, you have no right to lecture a community, society or country on what females should and should not legally do with their own bodies. And until the causes of unwanted pregnancy (violence against women, children's rights, sexual education) are tackled, you cannot criminalize abortion.

I also highly recommend that you attend women's safety rallies/meetings, and invest in sexual education and self defence courses for young people and women in our riding. You see, if the causes of unwanted pregnancies were tackled, abortion wouldn't be an issue at all. Throw your energy in that direction, why don't you, instead of perpetuating divisions in your community.

Thank you for your time.


Thoughts? Comments?
Will you be writing these people to express your opinions? HAVE you written anyone on this topic before? SHARE PLEASE! :D

(No quote, as this is a follow up post. I know how sad you must be.)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Choice Words for Anti-Choice-ers

I understand that it takes every kind of people to make the world go round (thank you, Robert Palmer), and I also understand that disagreements on emotionally-charged issues are bound to happen between said people. I can also always see both sides of arguments, and can usually control my feelings of rage.

However, when I read this article, and saw that 3 Conservative MPs from my area and one former Liberal MP (all men, of course) were present at this particular rally, I was fuming mad.

First of all, I must attempt at correcting something... "Pro-life" is an inaccurate moniker for those who think abortion should be illegal. As a rational human being, I can guarantee you that no woman WANTS to have an abortion (if they do, there is some strange, separate problem going on in her brain that has zero to do with legal abortions). No female in this world wakes up in the morning and thinks "Today feels like an excellent day to get an abortion!". Pretending that any woman or man who believes in the right to choose is a murderer is ridiculous and incorrect. So really, the two sides are pro-choice and anti-choice. That's what it boils down to.

Okay, so... I am not a sexist person, but in this particular debate, I am utterly at a loss for an explanation as to why men are involved at all. I understand that they help sow the seeds that reside in the wombs of women that are key in this particular debate, but if those seeds were correctly planted every time - respectfully, lovingly and purposefully - ABORTIONS WOULD NEVER EVEN HAVE TO BE CONSIDERED.

This wouldn't be a question or a debate if men had even the slightest chance of mistakenly becoming impregnated. Seriously, it wouldn't. Luckily for those of you who are not penile-challenged, you do not have to worry about whether you want to carry the result of a rape/assault/molestation in you for 9 months, completely altering your already altered life. Once adulthood is reached, becoming the victim of sexual assault/rape/molestation doesn't even have to cross the mind of males (children are a whole other separate subset of victims).

I also understand that women get abortions simply due to an ill-timed/unwanted pregnancy. This screams of irresponsibility in my opinion, but it's her body, and it's her life - I'm not going to an anti-choice rally to make abortions illegal because she made choices I might not necessarily make.

This is also a simple matter of healthcare. If abortions are illegal, they become unregulated, unchecked procedures outside of the realm of safety. Women die as a result.

It is never an easy choice for any woman, but it should always be a choice. You can never anticipate the countless scenarios in which an abortion of a pregnancy may be an option or a necessity.

I plan on spending part of my afternoon writing to each MP that was present at the rally. They have no right pointing fingers and wagging tongues at an issue that they cannot even begin to comprehend.

No quote on this one. I just want you all to think about the wombs in your life, be they your own or belonging to those you love. Back alley hack jobs with coat hangers have no business near the wombs of desperate women.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tomorrow: Get off of your rat's ass and vote!

... is what I say to you folks who "don't give a rat's ass" about this election. That's RIGHT!

Honestly, this is all I can say. Please, please, please vote. Go and refuse your ballot if you don't know who to vote for. They will record that ballot, it will still count in the long run!

"Human rights commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society..."
- Stephen Harper

Yes... he actually said this... Keep it in mind tomorrow! Do you really want him running your country? If you vote for your local Conservative, you are voting for him - he has ensured his MPs are all puppets.

"Not voting is a vote for the guy you don't want to win."
- Bob Moore

My father has been saying this for years. I finally get it.

Happy voting!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Crying Shame

True, true... in oh so many ways...

* If you don't feel like reading this highly entertaining, well thought-out piece of literature,
just click here and do yo' thang. Pretty please with maple syrup on top? :P

Youth seem to scare the bejeebuz out of our current government. I laughed out loud when I heard about this story. To sum up: a communications director (Michael Sona) for a Conservative candidate (Marty Burke) tried to put the kibosh on student votes cast last Wednesday at an on-campus polling station.

So not only are Conservatives shaking in their penny loafers (no doubt, someone in that party wears 'em), but they are also a hugely petty bunch.

I can never shake the image of all of the politicians as children in a schoolyard. It's quite disturbing, really (in a creepy-disturbing way... not sad-disturbing... seriously, imagine Harper's head on a childs body!).

In this particular case, the Conservative party is represented by the snot-nosed brat who is on the verge of being sent to his room without dessert. Of course, a temper tantrum ensues. Trying to grab at things, whining, complaining, crying (I bet Mr Sona cried... I BET YOU), and stomping off with some type of warning.

Mr Sona followed his tantrum by contacting Elections Canada and whining. After it all got sorted, the ballots were considered legally obtained and will indeed be counted come May 2nd. No problem then, right?


Elections Canada has now put their own kibosh on special polling stations located at university campuses. They will no longer happen. The damage is done, thanks to an over zealous Conservative campaign helper.

What an utter and total pile of moose turds!

It is common sense to have special polling stations at universities/colleges. The people who reside on these campuses are NOT AT HOME to vote in their HOME riding. If they had this at my post-secondary institutions, many young people would have voted who in the end did not. I understand that it's not the hardest thing ever to vote away from your home riding, but when I was a student at a small town college with no mode of transportation, poor, tired all of the time, etc etc, voting was a chore EVEN FOR ME! That says something, people!

PLEASE! Sign this petition! This is a travesty, an utter crying shame. We need to turn it around - it can be done!

So can getting rid of Harper and his awful, snot-nosed cronies! I have hope!

"All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field."
- Albert Einstein

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Ocean Pearl" - Not what 54-40 had in mind

"II-I-I-IIII got an ocean pearl..." Ha! How 'bout some Lake Ontario pearls?

*Disclaimer*: If you have issues with "female products", you may have issues with this post. But really, get over it. :)

I'd like to find out who thought creating Tampax Pearl and other plastic-applicator tampons was a good idea. I truly would. Aside from it being a bad idea to put plastic in your vag (even briefly), guess where the applicators end up?

On the shores of Lake Ontario! And in oceans, of course. Five... FIVE! in just one tiny little spot on Sandbanks Beach last weekend.

*Ladies!* Whatever you stick up your hoo-haw is your own business, but it becomes the world's business when the remnants end up in our water system. PLEASE, choose cardboard applicators if you use tampons! They biodegrade. Simple little decisions we make everyday have tremendous impacts later on. The proof is in the pudding... or on the beach.

The island of garbage and plastic in the Pacific Ocean (the North Pacific Gyre) is a giant, albeit not often talked about, problem. Well folks, the problem is also right in your backyard, on our beloved beaches.

Ugh, guess I'll have to take some garbage bags next time...

Two quotes from Mr Jacques Cousteau for this posting. They are both so relevant, I couldn't pick just one.

"Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans."

"We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sex, Love & Mutiny

Whilst riding the bliss that came in on wave after wave of democratic revolutions overseas, I realized two things; 1) when I'm not angry, I am not inspired to blog, and 2) due to this, I am a terrible blogger...

Not only do I ignore my own blog, but I submit things to other blogs instead of my own. However, once you witness the site I speak of, you will understand.

A talented young man by the name of Christopher Palmer is the mind behind the blogzine entitled Sex, Love & Mutiny. He has skillfully built an informative and intense web-based 'zine that deals with everything from art and culture to socio-political commentary. Not surprisingly, one can read about sex and love as well (there's some really juicy stuff there... go!).

Blogzines such as SL&M create important forums for discussion and creativity - necessities for looking outside of our own little bubbles. It's what I hope I contribute to whenever I post something on here (that sounds so ick, but I'm serious, haha).

So go... read it, take it in, enjoy. *Shameless plug alert* You can also find some poetical contributions from myself on SL&M. Thank you to Chris for unleashing my more creative side to the interweb.

"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom."

- Albert Einstein

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Story of Bottled Water

I'm so thrilled about the Story of Stuff Project! Their first video was simply entitled "The Story of Stuff" but has since branched out into more specific 'stuff-iness'. I recommend them all, and will most likely share them when my brain is shot (for instance, right now).

Bottled water stinks. (click me!)


"We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one."
- Jacques Cousteau

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Every Day is New

I know that some folks do not recognize January 1st as the beginning of a new year. Some celebrate later in January (example, the Tamils - their calendar restarts on the first day of the month of Thai), some even in June (the Kutchi people who follow the Hindu calendar).

But whoever you are and whatever you believe, and whichever calendar you choose to follow, it is a created-by-us, written account of seasonal, lunar and solar change - and it has a beginning and an end. This has significance in our lives, whether we like it or not.

So, since I am an avid follower of the Gregorian calendar (whose order of months of January-December have been in place since 700BC), I rang in a new year a week ago today.

This blog was never meant to be a look into my life, but it may just go down that route this year. My intention in creating it was to post about things I care about, therefore think everyone should care about, but I didn't intend on it being focussed on me - just the issue at hand.

However, starting a new year of blogging by breaking tradition seems almost fitting.

I won't start a list of 2010 disappointments, or moments looking back, but instead, I will share with you my look into the future. I do not make grandiose plans, months in advance, but I do create intentions. I also don't think all can be accomplished in the span of 12 months. That being said, this 2011th year, I intend on continuing my life intentions by doing the following:
  • Changing my attitudes towards many things
  • Becoming a healthier person; spiritually, physically and mentally
  • De-cluttering life
  • Becoming my true self
  • Blogging (haha, not the highest priority on this deep list)
It all sounds rather hippie-dippy, but I wish that all of these things happen for you, too - honestly. I figure if everyone can strive for the above, the world would end up being a better place for all. *cue the violins*

"Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning, but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us."

- Hal Borland

(no, not the guy from Home Improvement)