Saturday, January 8, 2011

Every Day is New

I know that some folks do not recognize January 1st as the beginning of a new year. Some celebrate later in January (example, the Tamils - their calendar restarts on the first day of the month of Thai), some even in June (the Kutchi people who follow the Hindu calendar).

But whoever you are and whatever you believe, and whichever calendar you choose to follow, it is a created-by-us, written account of seasonal, lunar and solar change - and it has a beginning and an end. This has significance in our lives, whether we like it or not.

So, since I am an avid follower of the Gregorian calendar (whose order of months of January-December have been in place since 700BC), I rang in a new year a week ago today.

This blog was never meant to be a look into my life, but it may just go down that route this year. My intention in creating it was to post about things I care about, therefore think everyone should care about, but I didn't intend on it being focussed on me - just the issue at hand.

However, starting a new year of blogging by breaking tradition seems almost fitting.

I won't start a list of 2010 disappointments, or moments looking back, but instead, I will share with you my look into the future. I do not make grandiose plans, months in advance, but I do create intentions. I also don't think all can be accomplished in the span of 12 months. That being said, this 2011th year, I intend on continuing my life intentions by doing the following:
  • Changing my attitudes towards many things
  • Becoming a healthier person; spiritually, physically and mentally
  • De-cluttering life
  • Becoming my true self
  • Blogging (haha, not the highest priority on this deep list)
It all sounds rather hippie-dippy, but I wish that all of these things happen for you, too - honestly. I figure if everyone can strive for the above, the world would end up being a better place for all. *cue the violins*

"Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning, but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us."

- Hal Borland

(no, not the guy from Home Improvement)


  1. "The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give it away."

    good words to live by in 2011 and forever.

  2. I never thought to thank you, Meghan. Lovely quote! I shall remember it this year. :P
